Thursday, August 29, 2013

Basic SWF Bytecode modification (AVM2/AS3) tutorial

I decided I would write up a basic SWF modification tutorial, and explain the basics of SWF modification, AoBs, ect.
I'm gonna go into some serious detail in this tutorial, so be prepared.

Before you start doing any extreme SWF hacks, you're gonna need a pretty good understanding of how SWFs work. Luckily, there are a lot of tools out there nowadays that allow you to take apart a SWF and see it's juicy innards.

There are some things you will need to know

A SWF file always starts with a SWF header, containing compression information, SWF filesize, frame count, frame rate and stage size.
You don't need to know too much about the SWF header, but it is useful to note that all uncompressed SWF files start with "FWS" and all compressed SWF files start with "CWS".
Another thing to note is if the file size in the SWF header is wrong the SWF will most likely not load.
This limitation stops you from being able to increase a SWFs size in memory after it is loaded (however, even if it didn't, forcibly increasing a SWFs size in memory could create a whole lot of problems).
It also means if you increase or decrease the SWFs size when hex editing and don't update the SWF size in the SWF header, the SWF will almost certainly not load.

A SWF is made up of many AVM2 tags. Tags can contain many different things, such as images, shapes, data, actionscript bytecode. If you want to have a look at the tags in a SWF, the tool SWFWire Inspector will disassemble AVM2 tags. Most of the time however, the only tags you will need to care about are the ABC (Actionscript Bytecode) tags.

An ABC tag contains AVM2 ABC bytecode  (sometimes just referred to as AVM2 bytecode or ABC bytecode) which contains class definitions, methods, variables, basically all the compiled code.
There can be more than one ABC tag in a SWF. This generally happens if a SWF uses a code library. The code library is often held in a separate ABC tag from the SWFs main code.

ABC code is stack based. You should be familiar with how stacks work in programming. It's nothing particularly difficult. There's a stack. and ABC instructions access it. That's about all there is to it.

Now to the actual tutorial part.

Part 1: Reverse engineering

I'm going to cover SWF bytecode modification using an AVM2 ABC disassembler, hex editor and decompiler. There are other "better" ways of modifying SWFs, but learning how to hex-edit SWFs is pretty much SWF hacking 101. Everything else follows on from it. Thus, even though there are better ways of doing this, it is an extremely good idea to learn this method before learning the others.

In this tutorial, we'll do a score hack. There's many different ways we could do this. we could increase the score gained from picking up a money item, we could increase the starting score, we could teleport the money object to the player or any number of other ways.

I'll try and cover several different approaches to several different types of score hacks. There are many correct ways of approaching this problem.

For those of you who don't know, unhackable is the name of a simple game engine I use for tutorials, examples and proof-of-concepts. The name "unhackable" comes from the fact I originally made it to test AS2/3 anti-hack code. It's basically the simplest game you could make. I've written about 5 different versions of the unhackable engine, this tutorial will be for the unprotected OOP version of unhackable, which you can find here.

Open up the unhackable SWF in FFDec or another similar decompiler.

We'll start with a little reverse-engineering. SWF reverse engineering almost deserves a tutorial of it's own, but it's the kind of thing that you can only really get good at with practice.
This example SWF isn't very complicated, so there's nothing too deep here. For starters, take a look at the names of the classes:

Obvious classes of interest include Money, Player and ScoreKeeper. The document class is also usually useful (Found by going tools -> go to document class). In this case, the document class is named Unhackable.

So, for starters, take a look at Unhackable.

It's good to note that the player, money and score variables are private. This isn't so important for bytecode modification, but if you were to hack it via loader or overrider, it would be relevant.
Most of this code is useless to us.
Lines of interest for us include:

From the Unhackable constructor:
      this.player=new Player(int(Math.random()*300)+50,int(Math.random()*200)+50); Money(int(Math.random()*300)+50,int(Math.random()*200)+50);  

From the gameLoop function:,this.player.playerY);  

If you take a peek into the Player and Money classes, you'll see they pass their constructor arguments on to their super class Thing, which uses  them to set their position, so in actual fact these lines just create a new Player and Money object with random position. The only thing you could accomplish by changing these two lines is changing the player and money starting position, so it  turns out these two lines are not so helpful.

I'll get to the money.dealWithPlayer line in a minute.
So, for the moment let's move on to the Money class


Now, we get to some interesting stuff. But first, it's good to notice Money has a super class Thing. It's usually worth taking a quick look in the super classes as there's usually useful stuff in them. This tutorial is getting pretty long, so I'll skip the Thing class. There's nothing particularly important that isn't self-explanatory in there anyway, but you should definitely take a look at it. I'm not going to cover the Player class either since it's long and doesn't need to be reversed for the score hack, but it also extends Thing.

The dealWithPlayer function takes two ints. If we look up the code in the Unhackable class, we see that those ints are the players x and y position. It then compares the players x and y to it's own x and y boundaries, and if the player is within it's boundaries (meaning the player and the money objects are colliding) the money randomizes it's position and calls the addMoney function.

From this point, we have enough information to perform several score hacks.
We could modify the Money class and remove the if statements checking the players position so the player is always colliding with the money.
We could modify the Money class by making it not randomize it's position when the player touches it, or even make it teleport to and follow the player.
We could modify the Unhackable class so that it passes the Money's  position to the dealWithPlayer function instead of the Players since the money is always "colliding" with itself.

But for now, let's move on to the ScoreKeeper class. There may well be a simpler score hack waiting for us in it.

Look at that juicy addMoney function.
There are two obvious hacks you could do here. You could change the line:
to something like:
or you could modify the static initializer.
The static initializer is the function that's called to initialize the static class.
It's not normally shown in the decompiler, but the code that sets gameScore to zero and the code that sets score to a new TextField are both in the static initializer.
We'll get to the static initializer in a second. First, we'll create our first AoB and make a simple score hack that gives you 100x more score via hex editing.

Part 2: A simple hack

Click the "view hex" (button with green on it) in the top-left corner of the bytecode window.
Click somewhere inside the code for the addMoney function, you should see some ABC bytecode and commented out green hex codes in the bytecode window.

Don't get too scared of the bytecode. It's not as nice to read as AS3, but you'll get used to it after a while. Practice makes perfect.
You definitely don't need to understand all those ABC codes. You can find a list of all ABC bytecodes and what they do here. I recommend looking some up just to get the hang of things

Anyway, what we want to do is change the +1 to be +100. This is done by changing the "pushbyte 1" opcode to be "pushbyte 100".
So, first we need to create a "find" AoB. this is simply done by taking the hex codes of a bunch of subsequent instructions around the byte we want to change.
Usually a hex string of 8 bytes or so is enough, but on some larger games longer strings are needed.
Let's take the hex from line 1 to line 15
d0 30 5e 1c 60 1c 24 01 a0  61 1c 60 1d
Now we need to make a hack AoB.
The opcode we want to change is the "pushbyte 1" opcode, which has the hex "24 01"
If you look it up in the AVM2 instruction list in the link above I gave above you will see the pushbyte instruction has the opcode 0x24 and is followed by an argument which is the signed byte to push onto the stack.
If you don't understand half of that above sentence, that's ok. Long story short, by changing "24 01" to "24 64" (0x64 = 100) we will change "pushbyte 1" to "pushbyte 100" and change the line:
Therefore, our hack AoB is
d0 30 5e 1c 60 1c 24 64 a0  61 1c 60 1d
(the only difference between the hack AoB and the original is "24 01" being changed to "24 64")

Firstly, the SWF needs to be decompressed. You can get a SWF decompresser here. Drag a SWF onto the decompresser to decompress it.
Once the SWF has been decompressed, open the SWF in your favorite hex editor. I'm using HxD.
You should see the SWF file starts with the text "FWS" (hex: 46 57 53). This is the "magic number" for an uncompressed SWF as I mentioned earlier. All uncompressed SWFs start with these bytes.

Use the find and replace function in your hex editor to find the "find" AoB:
d0 30 5e 1c 24 01 a0  61 1c 60 1d
and replace with the hack AoB:
d0 30 5e 1c 24 64 a0  61 1c 60 1d
Save that and you should see your score goes up by 100 instead of one each time you get the money.

If it works, congratulations! If it doesn't, try again!

For the purposes of this tutorial, I have changed one of the lines in this class to make it easier to hack.
The line:
was originally
This may seem like a pointless modification, but both lines compile into different bytecode, and "++" is harder to hack via hex editing than "+=".

Long story short, it changes the lines:
pushbyte 01
to be
since increment is a one-byte opcode, this means you cannot make a simple AoB to modify it to add 100, since you would have to fit 3 bytes of instructions in 1 byte, which is impossible. You would have to update the file size in the header, which is messy and not-so-straightforward to do.
Instead, in this case the easiest hack would be to simply change the starting score.
In order to do this, you will have to modify the static initializer I mentioned earlier.

Part 3: Modifying a static initializer

Go to the ScoreKeeper class in FFDec if you aren't already there.
To access the static initializer, click on "class intitalizer" in the traits window in the bottom left corner.


the line we want to change is the one setting gameScore to 0, so we will modify the pushByte 0 to be a pushByte 100 making us to start with 100 score.
Do the same as before, use line 1 to line 13 for the "find" AoB:
d0 30 5e 1c 24 00 61 1c 5e 1d 5d 1e
and change 24 00 to 24 64 like before for the hack AoB
d0 30 5e 1c 24 64 61 1c 5e 1d 5d 1e
Open the decompressed SWF up with your hex editor, find and replace, save and you should start with 100 score.

That concludes the easy part of this tutorial. For the next part, we're gonna do something more complicated. To start with, we're going to modify the dealWithPlayer function on the Money class so that the money thinks it's always touching the player.

Part 4: The NOP instruction

Go to the Money class in FFDec, and make sure you re-enable decompilation.
What we're going to do is replace the code for the if statements with NOP opcodes (0x02).
A NOP or No-OPeration opcode is an opcode that does nothing. It simply fills space and gets skipped over. Replacing a piece of code with NOPs effectively removes the code, and by removing the if statements, the code for gaining money will always be run.

The bytecode in the function should be in the same approximate order as the AS3 code.
If statements in bytecode are done using conditional jumps (iffalse, ifne, ect). These basically check the top item(s) on the stack, and skip to some instruction if conditions are met.
In order to not mess up the stack, we have to remove the conditional jumps and all the code related to them, meaning we need to replace all the ABC code for those lines with NOPs.
Luckily, the code is all in one place at the beginning.
The last conditional marks the end of the if statements. you will find it on line 60 of the commented ABC. The start of the if statement code is line 5 of the commented ABC code.

therefore, we have to NOP out everything from line 5 to line 60.
Here's the before AoB:
d1 60 10 24 0a a0 ad 2a 12 08 00 00 29 d1 60 10 24 0a a1 af 12 4c 00 00 d2 60 11 24 0a a0 ad 2a 12 08 00 00 29 d2 60 11 24 0a a1 af 12 34 00 00
And here's the hack AoB:
02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02
Hex edit that into the swf, open and you should see your score going up from doing nothing, and the money rapidly randomizing it's position as you automatically pick it up.

this hack could also be performed by just NOPing out the branches and using POP (0x29) to remove any leftover elements on the stack.
e.g using the hack AoB:
d1 60 10 24 0a a0 ad 2a 02 02 02 29 29 d1 60 10 24 0a a1 af 02 02 02 29 d2 60 11 24 0a a0 ad 2a 02 02 02 29 29 d2 60 11 24 0a a1 af 02 02 02 29
In the above AoB each iffalse (12 XX XX XX) was changed to NOPs followed by a pop (02 02 02 29)
This stops the jump from happening and removes the item on the stack that would have been tested by the if. If you wanted to make the code in the if statement never run (i.e make the jump always occur), you could either NOP the code inside the if statement out or replace the conditional jump with an unconditional jump (For example, changing 12 XX XX XX to 11 XX XX XX). There are more ways to do this, but these techniques will work as well as any other.

That's enough on NOPing. Let's move on to an advanced modification involving writing some actual bytecode.
Don't worry, this is still going to be relatively simple. We're gonna make it so the money teleports to and follows the player instead of randomizing it's position when we pick it up.

Part 5: Intermediate bytecode modification

Open up an unmodified Unhackable SWF in FFDec, and go to the dealWithPlayer function in the Money class.
Take the moment to remember that the arguments passed to the function where the players X and Y position.

Long story short, we want to change the lines
to be
The code for these lines starts directly after the last iffalse on line 61 of the commented ABC code.
It ends on line 100 where drawY is set.
If you haven't realized yet, ABC bytecode tends to be in reverse order of the AS3 code. Not always, but a lot of the time. For example, the leftmost (or first) part of the bottom line of AS3 code is setting drawY, where as the last line of ABC bytecode is the line that sets it.
This should make sense if you think about it in terms of the order of operations. If you were to execute this line, the first thing you would do is go inside all the brackets. You would get the random number, multiply it by 200, convert the result to an integer, add 50 then set drawY by the result. This is exactly how the AVM2 runs this bytecode, however due to how the commands work, the objects have to be placed on the stack in a specific order for these to be calculated properly. This is because only the top element of the stack can be accessed.
For example, the first code that's run for this line is:
findproperty m[16]"drawX"
this is because the last line is
initproperty m[16]"drawX"
which takes two items off the stack:
the value
the property
in that order. this means before the calculations can begin, the property has to be added to the stack so that the items are in the right order for the last instruction.

Why is all this important, you ask?
because a lot of the time ABC instructions won't operate the way your intuition tells you they do, and they tend to have to be in obscure orders to operate properly. This is one of the reasons bytecode is so painful to work with. you might have to add an instruction 20 opcodes above the one that needs it in order for it to work properly.

Now that we've got all that out of the way, let's make a "find" AoB for this code from lines 63 to 98 (the first and last code from these lines don't need changing so aren't apart of the AoB):
5d 03 60 20 46 21 00 25 ac 02 a2 46 03 01 24 32 a0 68 10 5e 11 5d 03 60 20 46 21 00 25 c8 01 a2 46 03 01 24 32 a0
What we're gonna do is replace all the code between the first:
findpropstrict m[3]"int"
and the first:
(lines 63-78)
with NOPs and getlocal1 (the local register containing the first parameter)
Quick piece of information: local registers act like temporary variables that only exist inside a function
We will also replace the code in the next line the same, changing the lines 83-98 to be NOPs and getlocal2 (same as local1 but with second parameter)
This gives us the hack AoB:
02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 d1 68 10 5e 11 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 d2
We can clean that up and make it look prettier by moving all the NOPs to one end:
d1 68 10 5e 11 d2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02
hex edit that into your SWF, and it should work. Touch the money to make it start following you.

Part 6: AoB memory editing

You may have heard the term AoB before in relation to modifying a SWF while it's running after it has been loaded into memory using a memory editor such as Cheat Engine.

The AoB codes we've created are the same as ones that would be used with software such as cheat engine. However, there's some things you need to understand about AoB modification via memory editing before you can start making hacks using it.

The Actionscript Virtual Machine uses something called a JIT Compiler (Just-In-Time Compiler). The JIT compiler compiles the SWF into machine code to be run on the CPU. The JIT compiler doesn't compile a function until it's first run, but once it's compiled the SWF bytecode for that function never gets accessed again. Therefore, memory-based AoB modifications have to be done BEFORE the JIT compiler is run and therefore BEFORE the function is first called.
Usually this means they have to be applied in the game's menu before starting the game, or in worse cases before the game starts to run.
In our case, all the AoBs we've made are for functions that are run when the game first starts, thus they cannot be used for memory-based AoB hacks.

After note:

Since I had to modify the Unhackable SWF several times while making this tutorial, there is a chance that some of the bytecode and AoBs are wrong. Here's hoping that's not the case, but it's totally possible. If you find something wrong, leave a comment.

If you're wondering what to learn next, I'd recommend  playing around with some proper ABC bytecode editing software, such as Yogda, RABCDASM or even the bytecode editor in FFDec.
For further reading, I'd recommend skimming through some of Adobe's SWF Specification.

More specifically, I'd recommend any beginner learn a bit about the constants table. Yogda is especially useful for that.

Hopefully this tutorial is cohesive. I tried to make it as in-detail as possible since all the other SWF modification tutorials I've seen have been pretty terrible.

Lastly, I'd really appreciate some feedback on this tutorial, such as whether it was useful or not, whether it was detailed enough or too detailed, ect.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I must add a comment to this:

If you use FFDec,
the easiest way to change p-code (eg. pushbyte 1 to pushbyte 100) is change p-code with p-code editor.

You can just press "Edit" button under p-code textarea, modify/replace/edit instructions and hit save.

There is also no need to NOP anything.

I think it is unnecessary to edit hex codes at all.

I know what is the point of the post...
but I just wanted to say my opinion (I am the author of FFDec)

Unknown said...

Also one note:
"To access the static initializer, you must go settings -> disable decompilation."

This is not needed. You can go to static initializer via traits list which is located at the bottom left. It is list of all methods/vars/consts which also contains both initializers.

bmanatee said...

Thanks for your input

Yeah, I know about the editor (which I mention in the after note). I just think people should learn to do it via hex editing before moving on to proper p-code editors.
Learning to hex edit SWFs provides a lot of knowledge that can be applied to making AoBs for memory editing, which is quite popular despite it's problems (which is something you can't do without knowing how to hex edit SWFs). Plus, if you know how to modify a SWF via hex editing, you should easily be able to pick up using a p-code editor.
If you where using a p-code editor, you definitely wouldn't need to NOP things, but it's useful to learn how to use NOPs for memory based AoBs.
Some more advanced edits are difficult/impossible to do with regular p-code editors. I've had times where even RABCDASM wasn't good enough. It's useful to be familiar with hex editor based modifications for them.
In saying that, I'll definitely agree once one has gotten a good handle on hex editing SWFs, one should pretty much immediately move on to using p-code editors and almost never hex edit SWFs again.

Thanks for telling me that. I'm still pretty new to FFDec, I'll update the tutorial with that information.

Gotta say, I absolutely love FFDec. Over the course of about a month it's become my favourite decompiler, and it's the one I recommend to everyone.

Unknown said...

Thanks for explanation.
Also thanks for article itself, it is great. There are no other articles on the internet showing FFDec usage so I am glad to see somebody uses it :-).

One note:
You edited the article to find initializer in the traits list. You tell people to click "instance intitalizer".

Instance initializer is so called "constructor" of the class. For static initializer, you must click "class initializer" instead.

bmanatee said...

My bad. Fixed.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all ! I learned many of this things alone, so it is good to read your experience.

Unknown said...

Hey! Thanks for such a good tutorial.
But i have a doubt that if there is a swf file of 8 ball pool it contains 10000 or more scripts so how can i come to know that in which script the hack i wanted to create is present.

millan said...

"It also means if you increase or decrease the SWFs size when hex editing and don't update the SWF size in the SWF header, the SWF will almost certainly not load"

Hey I have a problem, I would appreciate your help, I've editing the swf and it always load, but if I insert bytes it never load. i tried to insert bytes in a swf file and changed the file size in the header too, the header correpond with the filesize, but it still don't load.

How can i make this work? Thanks for your time, excellent tutorial btw this is the first good tutorial on swf editing that i have seen.

Marios said...

Thanks for the guide...It was really useful.
One thing that i didnt get was that i used the class initializer to change some static values on another swf game i had, and changed a pushbyte 3 to a pushint 9999 and saved the file. But checking the file with another decompiler i still see the initial 3 there...Where was the 9999 saved ? If i move the file to another computer will that value still hold ?